Day 139 - The Isolation
I’ve reached the 2-week mark of working from home amidst the coronavirus outbreak. Work has extended working from home for another 2 weeks, whilst John’s work has made the WFH period indefinite.
My desk is against the wall beside the sofa. John’s set himself up perched on the bench.
Over the past 2 weeks, I’ve seen dramatic changes in policies and behaviours from the Canadian government (federal and provincial) and the businesses in Vancouver.
When social (now called physical) distancing had been introduced, there were still many businesses open. They would seat us a few metres away from the next customer. Cafes weren’t accepting any reusable coffee cups, but were still available to dine in.
These markers on the ground are a common sight to guide customers about physical distancing distances. This was at Church’s Chicken.
Most businesses are now closed, either because the government mandated it as a non-essential service, or they voluntarily did it. Walking down Commercial Drive is empty, with most doors shut.
JJ Bean is closed. The signs started off by saying they only take cashless payments. They stopped taking reusable cups. Then physical distancing was implemented. Store hours were reduced. And ultimately it was shut.
This one Japanese restaurant on Kingsway is closed indefinitely. We went there once and it was by reservation only.
Queues have started to form outside every supermarket, as they control the number of customers inside at any one time. Lines and squares made of masking tape tile the ground to force customers to keep their distance from each other while we line up for the checkout.
Sal Y Limon for tacos has a 2-customer limit inside. You have to line up outside and wait for your order to be called. It’s also takeaway only.
Real Canadian Superstore has a line outside to enter.
Coming home, we wipe down our groceries with disinfectant. We’re conscious about touching our face. We spray door knobs and wipe down surfaces more often. The extra pre-cautions encourage us to stay at home, because leaving the house adds extra work to our routine.
After watching a surgeon talk in a video about how to clean your groceries after shopping, we implemented a similar process at home.
With gyms and swimming pools closed, I’ve had to find other ways to remain physically active. I haven’t found the right balance yet. I’ll go for a run if it’s sunny, but that’s not every day. I’ll do some home workouts, but that’s unstructured and based on what I think I should be doing that day. And I’ll cycle just for the hell of it.