Day 4 - Covering my ass
Yesterday’s rain made my conscious of any debris that might have been kicked up by my rear wheel onto my bum and back. So I headed into town to see a Brompton dealer to see if they can install some fenders on my bike. With only 2 Brompton dealers in Vancouver, it was slim pickin’s. JV Bike was the easiest reach and so it won a visit.
The trains in Vancouver have enough leg space to fit my bicycle in with me.
JV Bike only had a rear fender in stock in black, so I left my bike with them to install.
JV Bike in Yaletown.
The sun came out during the day. Here’s Gastown lookin’ swank.
I later visited John at his office and we headed to one of his favourite places to get coffee from, run by this Japanese couple. We talked to them about where we’re both from, how they came up with their shop name, and their aspirations to sell designer items (think: super minimalist but well-crafted stuff, like cups and ceramics) made by their friends.
An umbrella renting service inside John’s office building.
John enjoying coffee at one of his favourite coffee places outside a window.
One of John’s favourite coffee spots.
Iktsuarpok is an Inuit word, meaning (according to this cute, little book) “The act of repeatedly going outside to keep checking if someone (anyone) is coming.”
Walking back to his office, we talked more about research and design at his current job, and the limitations of a smaller company compared to the bureaucratic but substantially deep pockets of our former employer.
I collected my bike from JV, ordered a front fender and headed back to Brighouse for my appointment with the banker.
I was on the train with what looked like the precursor to rush hour. After some shuffling around on the train, I finally found a comfortable space to stand with my bike between my legs.
Standing room on the train. Seat poking out looks like my ding dong.
I made my appointment with the banker. getting a simple checking account, before cycling home knowing that my ass would be sans debris when I got home.