Email Verification

Best Buy Canada | 2025

Customers are creating an account without verifying they have access to the email address they’ve entered. This poses a security risk for customers and threatens the business with the use of bot users during product releases.

As the Product Designer, I researched industry experiences, created user flows, wireframes, prototypes and copy for the end-to-end experience.

Alert to prompt a customer to verify their email.
Snapshot of content research for the email.

Email verification makes it easy for customers to:

  • Verify their email address when they create a new account online.

  • Verify their email address from their existing account.

  • Restart the verification process if they encounter an error.

This brought value to the business by:

  • Increasing the integrity of the data we store.

  • Align with industry security standards for account management.

  • Unlock our ability to restrict account actions behind email verification, improving security.

Alert to prompt a customer to verify their email.
Alert to confirm to the customer that an email has been sent to them.
Email for the customer to verify their email address with.
Alert to confirm to the customer that their email is verified.