Day 74 - The Job Offer
After 3 months of being in Vancouver, 16 job applications over 2 of those months— I was offered a job as a UX Designer at Best Buy Canada.
Here’s what I wrote in my journal:
“And so I reached a milestone I was so afraid I’d never reach. Eating at Miku to reward myself for getting a job here in Canada.
When I’m in it, I can’t help but worry. But I’m surprised at how much I left it affect my lifestyle. Waking up late, having my phone in bed, and skipping exercise.
But now I get to reset. John will be back in Sydney. I’ll have the house to myself.
I’m thankful for the people that got me this far. My family for letting me follow my ambitions. Vic, Sean, Renee and Atia for cheering me on and having my back. The Agateps for looking out for me when I first arrived and encouraging me to find a new place when they did. Diana for helping me find a home. Peter, Mike and Yusy for keeping my spirits up. And John for living with me, helping me with my portfolio, interviews, and everything.
I’m thankful.”
Celebratory lunch at Miku. The people beside us didn’t know what to do.